hello world......
not long since v met, r8?. so, here i come 2 share with you what i felt while reading Chetan Bhagat.
u kno, i got the book "the 3 mistakes of my life from my friend". I thought, 'okay, fine another small book,(u kno, v all have a special passion with small books ...easy to finish them, since less number of pages and easy 2 handle.)'
i went on and on tru, "the 3 mistakes of my life" wondering if reading tat book was the gr8est mistake of my life!!!........the F.. word was eveywhere, and i just wondered if thats the only thing in that book, and u kno i imbibe whatever i passionately follow.........i mean, i was scared whther i might use the f word myself.........hehe.........2 days went by, after me finishing the 3 mistakes...
i tot, i cant critize anyone just on the basis of 1 book.......so i started reading "5 point someone".....i started from the 10 chapter......and on and on i went.........i just finished reading it.....
recollecting it, i wud say, this is not as foul mouthed as the other one........considering tat i am reading in reverse chronological order, yea, there's development...the language is getting fouler with passage of time!!!!
okay............now lets c wat the books are really all about.......
Though i still stand by what i have already said, thinking deep, 'the 3 mistakesof my life' is a nice story.....it depicts the life of 3 friends....a boy who valued himself remaining as an Indian more than joining an Australian cricket academy......common life..natural calamities.....religion.....trust...... ego......sacrifices for friendship.....
Well it starts in sort of a peculiar way, a renowned author (Chetan) gets an email- a suicide note from a fan....now the the author gets worried and he calls up on of his Profs in IIM-A. the prof tracks the scuicide- guy down to a hospital and he's still alive.......now the author has an urge 2 meet this guy...
finally the author gets to hear the (life) story of the suicide-guy. his 3 mistakes....and as u rightly guessed we do have a happy ending......:)
the 5 point someone is about 3 friends in IIT. 5 points out of a 10 point scale is pretty low......and one of them falls in love with their HOD 's daughter....they all do foolish things and finally gets out of it...a bit of daring, a bit of luck, a bit of coincidence, a blot of sheer chance........
again, it has a happy ending as u rightly guessed........:)
i havn't given the whole story bcoz, tat' ll spoil the fun of reading the book..nyway u got the storyline, yet i didnt spoil the suspense!! ;) .....
"aim sky, not the stars, and u' ll become a star one day"