Monday, June 1, 2009

Howard Engel......the power of determination, perseverance and friends

"My own life has been made sweeter by the friends who have supported me through what was not as dark a tunnel as it might have been without them" - Howard Engel

i read this excerpts of the book "the man who forgot how to read" by Howard Engel in readers digest May it he speaks about his experience with a stroke which took his ability to his own terms...he could still write books, but will have to tell his publishers that he won't rewrite as a matter of principle....funny, but not when you are affected...and your lively hood is at stake..

i loved the way he conquered his disabilities and how he look at it as a great learning experience. when ever we hear of heroes, they go through great i always thought that it's the troubles that they face makes them heroes.....but on second's not the troubles that makes a person a hero, it's how u face it, how u look at it, and how u learn from it so that u can utilise it to motivate others....thatz what makes a person a true real life hero...:)

aim for excellence, not perfection.....the beauty of creation lies in it's imperfection..:)

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